September 2005 - HRADEC KRALOVE
From the opening of join exhition with the world-famous glass artist Jaroslav Svoboda in gallery Celebris

September-November 2005 - BRECLAV
From the opening of group exhibition in Gallery 99 (Zdenek Hajny, Renata Stolbova, Ivana and Jan Bambas, Iva Hüttnerova, Antonin Vojtek, Olbram Zoubek and others). Singing at dulcimer Zuzana Lapcikova

From the opening of exhibition "ABOUT SOLSTICE" in the Theater Gallery with performances by Hradistan with Jiri Pavlica
Exhibition in the premises of the castle gallery began performances by the vocal quartet FONS of Zdar nad Sazavou

May-June 2005 - JIHLAVA
Exhibition of paintings (including the cycle "VIA CRUCIS") in the newly renovated premises of the cloister of the former Dominican monastery, today the hotel Gustav Mahler
April 2005 - BRNO
Exhibition at the Town Hall - the former Renaissance castle in Brno-Reckovice

The premiere exhibition of paintings of the cross way cycle "VIA CRUCIS" in the beautiful interior of St. Barbara Chapel, designed by architect J.B.Santini

September 2004 - CHOTEBOR, church of the St.James
The exhibition "ABOUT SOLSTICE", which was launched on the occasion of Benefit concert of the Hradistan ensemble with Jiri Pavlica

July 2004 - TISNOV
From the exhibition opening at the gallery Jambor's House with performances by Zdar's musical trio Tender

January 2004 - ZDAR NAD SAZAVOU
Exhibition in Old Town Hall, dedicated to the artist's life jubilee, which was previous year

October 2003 - KYJOV
From the exhibition opening of premiere of the cycle "ABOUT SOLSTICE" on motives after J. Skacel, Jiri Pavlica and Hradistan ensemble in Gallery "Home"

September 2003 - PROSTEJOV
Exhibition at the premises of the National House with performances of Chamber Music Trio from Boskovice

August 2003 - KAMENICKY
From the opening of exhibition with the recitation of Radovan Lukavsky, introductory speech said painter Jindrich Hegr (right next to the author)

April 2003 - LETOVICE
Opening of exhibition in the Cultural House with performances of Bohuslav Martinu's Chamber Choir with the conductors Miloslav Krejsa and Karel Pechacek